Snap grids

Who can do this?
  • Prysm for rooms users
  • Prysm for web users
  • Prysm for desktop users

Snap grids divide a workspace into predefined grid boxes in which you can organize tools (sketchboards, files, sticky notes, web browsers, and text). When you move a tool into a snap grid and release it, the tool snaps to fill the grid box.

Note: If the snap grid outline is not highlighted, try resizing the tool up or down. The tool you are trying to snap in must be at least 70 percent of the grid box's size (and can be slightly larger than the grid box) in order for the outline to highlight.

Snap grids allow you to place content in clearly defined sections of your workspace and are helpful when you need to quickly organize content in a clean, visual layout.

You can apply a snap grid to your workspace in Prysm for web, rooms, or desktop. You can also lay out all types of assets on your workspace, and then turn that layout into a snap grid that you can use in other workspaces.
