Using the WYSIWYG Snap Grid Manager
To create, edit, or delete snap grids with any of the three Snap Grid Managers
The WYSIWYG Snap Grid Manager enables you to create and edit snap grids more easily, with an interactive, visual snap grid editor.

To create a new snap grid, follow these steps:
- In the Admin Portal menu, click Snap Grids.
- Click Create Snap Grid.
- In the Name field, enter a name for the snap grid.
- From the Aspect Ratio list, select an aspect ratio.Note: A snap grid is specific to a single aspect ratio. Aspect ratios are defined for specific accounts, and are screen dimension ratios written as width over height (W/H). For example, the resolution of the Prysm 190 is 3843 by 1280 (3843 pixels wide by 1280 pixels tall). When 3843 over 1280 is reduced, the approximate result is a 3 by 1 aspect ratio. Aspect ratios are used to determine object sizes, snap grids, and project layouts.
- In the Snap Grid Manager (WYSIWYG), to clear the boxes, select one or more boxes and click Delete. (Use Ctrl-click to select multiple boxes.)Tip: If you want to turn a user's workspace layout into a snap grid, click Generate from workspace. See Users can lay out all types of assets on a workspace, and then ask an Org Admin to turn that layout into a snap grid to be used in other workspaces..
- Double-click in the gray layout area to add a new box to the snap grid.
- Click and drag boxes to move them. You can also Ctrl-click multiple boxes and drag them all as a group.
Tip: To move any selected boxes, you can also use your keyboard arrow keys. Hold down the arrow key, and the boxes move faster.
- Hover over a box's edge or corner, and then click and drag to resize the box. Tip: Ctrl-click multiple boxes to select them. Then hover over one box's edge, click, and drag, and all selected boxes will resize at the same time.
- If you like to work with precise percentage numbers, check the Show % Values check box to display the X, Y, width, height percentages on each box in the grid. You can then edit these percentages on each box.
X is the horizontal position in relation to the upper left corner of the gray layout area. Y is the vertical position in relation to the upper left corner of the gray layout area. When X and Y are both 0, that equates to the exact upper left corner of the gray layout area. - To copy and paste a box, click to select the box and use Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v to copy and paste. You can also Ctrl-click multiple boxes and copy/paste them all as a group.
- Click Add background image to place a background image in the layout area.
Note: Adding a background image can help you design the snap grid as you want it for a presentation or other purpose. The background image does not save when you save the snap grid, because backgrounds are configured by users in a workspace.
- When the snap grid boxes are positioned approximately as you want them, click Auto Align to automatically change their size, shape, and position to be in perfect alignment.
Tip: If no boxes are selected, Auto Align aligns all boxes. If you Ctrl-click multiple boxes to select them, Auto Align aligns only the selected boxes.
- Click Save.

Users can lay out all types of assets on a workspace, and then ask an Org Admin to turn that layout into a snap grid to be used in other workspaces.
- Users lay out assets on their workspace.
- Users add the Org Admin to their project as a participant.
- Users give the Org Admin the name of their project and workspace and its aspect ratio, and the Org Admin performs the remaining steps.
- In the Admin Portal menu, click Snap Grids.
- Click Create Snap Grid.
- In the Name field, enter a name for the snap grid.
- From the Aspect Ratio list, select an aspect ratio.
Note: A snap grid is specific to a single aspect ratio. Aspect ratios are defined for specific accounts, and are screen dimension ratios written as width over height (W/H). For example, the resolution of the Prysm 190 is 3843 by 1280 (3843 pixels wide by 1280 pixels tall). When 3843 over 1280 is reduced, the approximate result is a 3 by 1 aspect ratio. Aspect ratios are used to determine object sizes, snap grids, and project layouts.
- Click Generate from workspace.
The Choose a Workspace dialog box appears. - In the Select a project field, select the project where the workspace is located.
Note: The field displays only projects in which you are a participant and that match the aspect ratio you selected.
- In the Select a workspace field, select the workspace on which to base this snap grid.
- Click Ok.
The gray layout area displays a snap grid based on the workspace layout. - Edit the snap grid as needed.
- Click Save.